Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Professional Connections

Mindlab Post 5/10

I honestly think the connection that has made the biggest impact on my practice over the last few years has been twitter.

The ability to connect with other educators with similar passions and to debate practices and philosophies has been extremely empowering. 
Following international and well as renowned national educators and reflecting on what they write- both on twitter and their blogs adds to my developing practice.
Being exposed to a wide range of professional reading through the links people post on twitter and having professional conversations about these links means my professional knowledge is always being extended and my thinking provoked.
Taking part in twitter chats and being forced to summarise my thinking i posts of 140 characters has been a strongly contributing factor to being able to concisely and succinctly share my optioning and philosophies.

The other strong impact on my professional practice are two previous colleagues- from two different schools. These are colleagues I have a strong connection with. They are part of my ongoing professional network and we all have strong shared beliefs. Because they are no longer my current colleagues, I can use them as a sounding board for ideas and opinions and discuss things with them on  different level than possible sometimes with direct colleagues. They are honest and there is a high level of trust between us which means they can hold me high accountable for my beliefs and aspirations.

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